《 垃圾危機 Garbage Crisis 》
當地的能源都被垃圾怪汙染了,剩下沒被汙染的水男孩、閃電女、岩男和烏龜, 他們四位為了拯救能源的世界一同對抗垃圾怪。
The local energy has been polluted by the garbage monster, leaving the uncontaminated water boy, lightning girl, rock man, and turtle, the four of them fight the garbage monster together to save the world of energy.
Ijayca , Alice
《 那些一起闖蕩的音樂夢X體熊專科Those dreams of music we pursued together X Major in body bear 》
Main work is an illustration book. Introduce the band called Major in body baer, talk about their music learning experience, how the band began and their creative inspiration. And introduce some famous music festivals and music centers in Taiwan .
With some common merchandise of music festivals. such as Canvas Bag, Sports Towel and Pick.
#體熊專科 #majorinbodybear #音樂祭